PE at Longvernal

At Longvernal, the children are encouraged to participate in a variety of physical activities, both during and outside of their PE lessons. As a school, the GetSet4PE scheme is able to be adapted in order to match our school vision and target specific inclusive outcomes for the children. We provide a motivating and memorable journey which allows the children to achieve the National Curriculum. Our FOREST values are also embedded through both individual and team sports, for example, team work, excellence and self-belief. 

Several other sporting opportunities are provided for the pupils at Longvernal, such as, extra-curricular clubs, entry to competitive and non-competitive sporting events,  participation in the Daily Mile, at least 3x a week, plus weekly sessions in the Forest.


Physical Education at Longvernal reflects the purpose and aims of the National Curriculum by inspiring all pupils to triumph in sport, both competitively and physically. The curriculum breadth is adapted to the context of our school, through use of GetSet4PE and its pupils to ensure they become physically confident, promoting an awareness of how to lead a healthy lifestyle and form a love for exercise and fitness. At Longvernal, it is imperative that the children are encouraged to participate in physical activity daily to contribute towards developing their fitness levels, with added promotion and introduction of The Daily Mile. Through a well-thought-out sequence, the physical education curriculum at Longvernal provides pupils with cumulative knowledge towards specific milestones, whilst ensuring they have access to a wide range of sports and other physical activities, taught by specialist coaches, when accessible, or trained staff members during their time at Longvernal. As a school we continue to seek opportunities for the children to compete in sport to allow for further learning opportunities, such as embed values such as fairness, respect, confidence, and teamwork 

At Longvernal, we maintain strong links to the National Curriculum guidelines to ensure all aspects are taught to a high standard, across all year groups. Physical Education is taught by class teachers, PE specialists and qualified sports coaches. The children have equal opportunities to take part in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment where effort as well as success is recognised. The children are encouraged to participate in exercise daily through PE lessons, after-school clubs, outdoor learning, lunch provision, nurture groups and unique events, such as Health and Fitness week, Walk, Scoot or Cycle to school week. 

Structurally, the physical education curriculum at Longvernal provides a wide range of sports, where all pupils can develop their skills and abilities, improving their motor skills and physical fitness. Through our provision, children can aim to flourish at sports where they have a particular interest.The GetSet4PE scheme is adapted and taught to ensure skill and knowledge progresses and is built upon throughout each year, gaining experience of fundamental skills, focusing on agility, balance, coordination, and fitness. It is important to us that children who experience additional needs are supported and provided with appropriate opportunities which enable them to take part and gain confidence in skills and their own ability. Appropriate equipment is used as often as possible to enhance the opportunities given to the children, helping the pupils take part in individual and group skills and team games. As the pupils at Longvernal reach KS2, they will participate in swimming lessons. 

Curriculum coverage within each year group:

EYFS – Movement development, dance, obstacle courses, gymnastics, ball skills, athletics, and multi-skills

Year 1 – Dance, football, bat and ball skills, movement development, gymnastics, attacking and defending, invasion games, multi-skills, and athletics. 

Year 2 – Throwing and catching skills, invasion games, dance, football, gymnastics, athletics, bat and ball games and invasion games.

Year 3 – Football, net and wall games, dance, invasion games, gymnastics, striking and fielding games and athletics. 

Year 4 – football, net, and wall games, striking and fielding games, gymnastics, dance, swimming, and athletics 

Year 5 – Invasion games, striking and fielding games, net and wall games, swimming, dance, striking and fielding games and athletics. 

Year 6 – Swimming, dance, net, and wall games, striking and fielding games and athletics.


This subject is a vital part of the curriculum at Longvernal, not only through our PE lessons but through cross-curricular links too, especially as we are outdoor learning leaders. It is imperative that the children are aware of their own mental health, and we know that having a good mental health will support the learner’s progression and development. Through a variety of experiences and pure enjoyment the pupils can understand how exercise can lead to a healthier and happier life, not just initially but as they grow older. Our hope is that the pupils will build a love for sporting success and can then take with them as they leave Longvernal in Year 6, into the wider community. 

Due to the ever-growing technological impact the children have today, it is important the children are soaking up the outdoor space whilst they can, making connections with the outdoors and what is has to offer. This is done through our forest school sessions but with teachers and coaches making the most of the facilities Longvernal has to offer, the field, playground, forest area etc. 

We measure the impact of physical education at Longvernal through:

  • Pupil Voice: asking pupils about their learning

  • Verbal feedback: during lessons themselves

  • Photographs and videos for the children to watch back and respond to

  • Lesson observations 

  • Teacher and coach discussions 

  • Regular audits of sporting equipment


Information for Parents


It is important that all children complete at least one hour of physical activity each day. Below are a list of useful websites that can help children achieve this. 

Useful Websites: 

GetSet4PE - Get Set 4 PE: : Lesson Plans and Schemes of Work

The Body Coach YouTube Channel: The Body Coach TV - YouTube

Jump Start Jonny YouTube Channel: Jump Start Jonny - YouTube

BBC Bitesize – Physical Education KS1: KS1 Physical Education - England - BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize – Physical Education KS2: KS2 Physical Education - BBC Bitesize

The PE Shed YouTube Channel: The PE Shed - YouTube

Stride Active: KS1 Activities - Stride Active