Oak Class have settled back into Year 1 well after the Christmas break. We have been working extremely hard learning and consolidating our Set 3 sounds in phonics and impressing adults with our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s!
In Maths, we have recapped and finalised understanding of Place Value and number bonds to 10 and reviewed our 2D and 3D shapes. After half term, Oak will be looking at place value (within 50), understanding length, height, mass and volume.
In English, Oak has transitioned to Talk For Writing and has been really enjoying sequencing and planning a story based on the book ‘The Way Back Home.’ After half term, Oak will continue to learn their story maps and publish their work.
In Science, Oak Class has been learning about everyday materials. With this, the children have deepened their understanding of which materials float, sink, and absorb water; comparing similarities and differences. Next term, Oak will be looking at plants.
In History, we have completed the unit ‘Moving Toys’ which has enabled us to think about how toys are similar/different to those in the past. Lots of Oak Class were desperate to find out what toys their parents/grandparents played with!
In SPaG, we have learnt about how to use capital letters for the days of the week, suffix -ed, writing independent sentences, nouns and past/present verbs.
In Art, we have been creating our own 3D sculptures with paper and working well in groups and partners.
In Music, we have been finding the tempo and dynamics to new songs and improvising to these with clapping and dancing.
In Forest, we have had lots of fun climbing trees, learning about fire safety, understanding seasonal changes and making crafts (all while getting muddy!)
In PSHE, we have been learning about the unit ‘Dreams and Goals’ which has enabled Oak Class to think about how to overcome challenges, how to work with others and how to succeed in new goals.
In RE we have been learning about Judaism and how the beliefs compare to Christianity.
Finally, Oak really enjoyed STEM Week and the Science Fair!
Have a lovely and restful half term break. Keep up the reading and enjoy a well-earned break.
Miss Black
What a wonderful and exciting term Oak Class have had!
Firstly, a massive well done to all of Oak Class for performing such a magical and splendid performance of The Nativity. Oak have enjoyed various Christmas-related activities and liked spending time with their grown-ups in the craft event. Here is what else we have been up to:
In DT, Oak have structured, designed and assembled their own windmills. Everyone worked really hard to have a go at completing these independently- they look fantastic!
In SPaG, Oak have been focusing on writing sentences using the three components of finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. They have also explored the personal pronoun ‘I’, the prefix ‘un’ and the noun suffix -s.
In English, I have been amazed with the work ethic and hard work to create their own sentences from various genres of book. Oak have been working on using consistent finger spaces, full stops and capital letters.
Geography has been a firm favourite subject in Oak Class this term learning about the UK and the 4 countries that it is made up from. The class also learnt about capital cities, the differences between human and physical geography and what London is like. Maybe ask your child to demonstrate the actions we used to remember the 4 capital cities!
In Maths, Oak Class have recapped learning of number bonds, tens and ones, subtraction, 2D and 3D shapes. Oak have worked really hard to use real-life questions to answer addition and subtraction problem solving.
In Forest, Oak have relished their time making crafts, learning about fire safety, making dens and climbing trees.
In Guided Reading, most of the lessons have been verbal and have involved the children looking at comprehension, predicting what happens next in a book and retrieving information. Oak really enjoyed the class novel ‘The Magic Finger’ by Roald Dahl.
In PSHE, Oak have explored the unit ‘Celebrating Difference.’ As highlighted in the name of the unit, the children explored the importance of celebrating both similarities and differences of one another, looked at what bullying is in line with Anti-Bullying Week and what to do if it is witnessed, as well as focusing on how to keep and make new friends.
In RE, Oak continued with the religion of Christianity and enjoyed learning about the Christmas Story. Oak additionally used this understanding of the religious aspect of Christmas to think about what a ‘meaningful’ gift might be and how it might feel to give presents.
In PE, gymnastics has been the focus of our sessions, with the aim of learning how to balance, finishing turns and performing different formations.
In Phonics, Oak have been learning Set 3 with much enthusiasm. Well done Year 1 for your hard work!
I am really proud of all that has been achieved during this busy term. Have a lovely, relaxing Christmas and New Year.
Wow! What a great first term Oak Class have had. They have all settled well into Year 1 life and enjoyed their school trip to We The Curious!
Here are some of the things we have been busy learning about:
In Maths, Oak Class have been exploring addition, subtraction and part-whole models using the Pictorial and Abstract concept.
In English, Oak Class have been busy taking part in Drawing Club. They have worked hard to deepen character descriptions, setting and imagination through various books including: The Day the Crayons Quit and The Gruffalo’s Child.
In SPaG, Oak Class have been writing sentences, using question marks, verbs, capital letters and the suffix -ing.
In History, everyone has relished the unit of ‘The Big Dig’ which has looked at the legacy of Mary Anning. I have been amazed with how Oak Class has memorised and recalled facts and confidently argued why/why not Mary Anning should have a statue in Lyme Regis. Why not ask your child to tell you some facts? Oak additionally used this in our school trip by making their own fossils.
In RE, Oak Class have looked at the idea of the Creation Story and reviewed ideas of why we should look after our planet.
In PSHE, Oak have explored the unit ‘Being Me in My World.’ In this, Oak Class have had various discussion-based lessons on how to look after each other, themselves and how they can be proud of their achievements.
In Science, Oak Class have explored the unit of ‘Seasons: Autumn and Winter;’ as well starting their ‘Animals (including Humans)’ topic learning about the characteristics of animal groups.
In PE, Oak have all got stuck in learning the skills to throw underarm, overarm, dribble and shoot into a hoop.
In Art, Oak Class have explored the unit of ‘Drawing.’ This has included how to explore line, waves, making art with media and mark making. Oak Class have really been able to explore their creativity, and I look forward to seeing more!
In Music, Oak Class have been appraising, improvising and listening to songs. These have tied in nicely with singing assemblies, and we will also use these lessons to support our learning of our Nativity songs, next term.
In Guided Reading, Oak have been using our learning from daily phonics lessons and Drawing Club to retrieve, make inferences and predict parts of the book to answer questions.
In Forest, Oak Class have used natural resources to make crafts, have built dens and learnt about fire safety.
In Computing, Oak Class have been learning about what technology is, and have explored where to locate different letters and numbers on a keyboard.
Well done Oak Class for all your hard work this term. I am really proud of how you have settled into Year 1. Next term we will be learning lots of new, exciting topics with the addition of the Nativity!
Have a lovely half term break.
WOW! What a great time Oak Class have had already! The children have developed old and new friendships, amazed me with their hard work, started new topics and familiarised themselves with the class mascot, Mr Monkey! A particular interest so far has been the History unit of Mary Anning. We are enjoying learning about fossils. Alongside History, all children have been working extremely hard in Maths to consolidate learning of number including sorting and comparing number groups. Oak have enjoyed our first class novel of ‘The Twits!’ Why not ask us about our learning so far?
Keep a look out on the school Facebook page to see updates about our learning!
PE: Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on Thursday.
Forest: Please ensure your child wears their Forest kit (long sleeves and trousers) to school on Wednesday
Doodle Maths (20 minutes weekly)
Reading (At least 3 times per week)
Weekly Spellings (to be tested every Friday). These will be put into your child’s reading record every Friday.
As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to an exciting year ahead!