Coming up in Term 2

Coming up Term 2

Term 1 Update

Time flies when you’re having fun! Cherry Class have had a brilliant start to Year 4 and have been working hard across the curriculum and have grown in maturity and increased their levels of independence already!  

In Maths, we have worked hard to build upon our place value knowledge, learning the value of digits, adding and subtracting 1, 10, 100 and 1000, as well as learning Roman numerals and ordering and comparing numbers to 10,000. We have also been spending a lot of time practising our times tables. 

In English, we have enjoyed writing a narrative based on ‘Feast’, a short Disney film. We have introduced new writing techniques, as well as developing techniques we were already familiar with. Our Guided Reading lessons have allowed us to explore ‘Roar’, which we are also enjoying as a class novel. We also focused on novels and non-fiction texts based on inspirational black people, such as Nelson Mandela, during the month of October to recognise Black History Month. We have continued to work on our written answers to a variety of question types. 

We have focused on fitness in our PE lessons, exploring how to improve our balance, agility and speed. We have enjoyed working as a team, and independently to improve on this. It has been great to get back out into the forest, we straight back to climbing trees, building dens and playing in the mud kitchen. Furthermore, we have created Gods Eyes, tree spirits and pine cone creatures! 

In History our focus has been the Ancient Greeks, we have explored who were the smartest Greeks, become familiar with who Alexander the Great was and identified what legacy the Greeks left behind, we have done all of this through a variety of oracy tasks, which has been great! 

In PSHE, we have focused on ‘Being Me in My World’, we have had many class discussions on how we fit into our communities, and what democracy is, and putting that into practice by voting for our class school counsellor. Our Art lessons consisted of learning how to use shading to create a 3D image. We later developed images through using scissors which we then recreated using wax crayons and kebab skewers! 

A firm favourite of ours this half term has definitely been our Science lessons which focused on states of matter. We have learnt the properties of solids, liquids and gases and have been able to sort and group materials. We have carried out some investigations to identify how temperature affects state, as well as making Oobleck to explore whether it was a solid or a liquid. We will continue this topic next half term before we move onto sound. 

I hope that you all have a great half term and come back feeling refreshed ready for another jam-packed half term on the lead up to Christmas! 

Remember, to keep checking the Longvernal Facebook Page to see what Cherry Class have been up to!

Best wishes

Miss Collins


Homework – Children are to learn their personal spellings, read a minimum of 3 times a week (recorded in their reading log), complete a scrapbook style journal entry and complete 10 minutes of Doodle Maths or Doodle Tables. Ideally, children need to practise their times tables as often as possible. 

Forest – Tuesday afternoon

PE – Friday afternoon

Term 1 Highlights!

Welcome to Cherry Class

What a lovely week Cherry Class has had! The children have all settled back into school life so well and they have loved being back with their friends. The children have got straight back into learning new things and working hard.

We have started our place value topic in Maths, along with beginning to practice and rehearse of our times tables (a huge focus for us this year!) In English we have begun writing a narrative based on the short Disney film, Feast. The children are very excited to find out what happens as we get further into the plot. In science we are exploring states of matter and are very much looking forward to making Oobleck next week to identify the differences between states! These are just a few of the highlights so far and there is much more to come so keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for further Cherry Class updates.

Important Information:

Tuesday – Forest

  • Forest school will take place regardless of the weather (unless extreme) so please can you ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing (long sleeve tops and trousers) as well as bringing their wellies and waterproofs in a separate labelled bag to change in and out of, if necessary.

Thursday – PE

  • Please could children come into school wearing the correct PE kit (Longvernal P.E. t-shirt, black shorts or sports trousers and trainers). PE will be outside for the first term, so black Longvernal fleeces or green Longvernal jumpers can also be worn.

Homework –

  • Weekly spellings – found in your child’s Reading Record and tested every Friday.

  • Read a minimum of 3 times a week (recorded in their reading log)

  • Complete a scrapbook style journal entry

  • Complete 10 minutes of Doodle Maths/Tables

  • Practise their times tables as often as possible.

I am very much looking forward to an exciting year ahead!

Miss Collins


Coming up in Term 1

Coming up in Term 1

Week 1 Highlights!