Welcome to Longvernal Primary School

Longvernal Primary School is part of the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership and is proud to be one of very few schools nationally to be a ‘Recognised Forest School Provider’ by the Forest School Association (FSA). We are committed to promoting outdoor learning; preparing our pupils to be outward-looking global citizens who embrace diversity, respect others and the world we live in. Every child and parent is considered to be a member of the ‘Longvernal Family,’ every one of us accepted for who we are, special and unique. A phrase you will often hear from our children is: ’It’s good to be me.’

Our Vision and Values

Forest School and outdoor learning, including expanding horizons through literature, visitors and visits are an integral part of life at Longvernal. Our school values are an acrostic of the word FOREST and are explored and celebrated in whole school assemblies; they sit well alongside the British Values: Individual Liberty; Democracy; Rule of Law; Mutual Respect and Tolerance.

Family - Everyone is welcome, known and loved in the Longvernal family

Originality -Everyone’s uniqueness is recognised and celebrated

Respect - We look after each other and our environment

Excellence - Our best, always

Self-Belief - We can do anything we set our minds to

Teamwork - We work together to achieve our goals

‘Children at Longvernal learn with mud on their hands and smiles on their faces.'

Our Curriculum Drivers

These shape our school curriculum to meet the needs of Longvernal leaners.

Our curriculum drivers are: providing opportunity; celebrating difference and respect for ourselves, others and the world in which we live.


Please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit or with any questions on 01761 412777 or office@longvernalschool.com

Latest news

Brampton Visit 582 days ago
Willow and Sycamore have an interesting and informative visit from the children’s author C.C. Brampton. He told us about his life, his inspirations and his determination in becoming an author’ before reading read more
Jeans for Genes - 26.9.22 713 days ago
On Monday 26th September 2022, the Longvernal Community Leaders held their first fundraiser. The children of Longvernal were encouraged to come into school wearing jeans and make a small donation. Jeans for read more
Oak Class Trip to the Wild Place Project - 5.4.22 922 days ago
Oak Class had a fantastic trip to The Wild Place Project this term. We recapped our science unit of ‘Animals, including Humans’ and of plants. We smelt wild garlic, differentiated understanding between read more

Whole school letters

Tue 01
Tue 14
MAY 24
Tue 14
MAY 24
Mon 26

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